Posted on 6/13/2012
Summer Safety Tips for Teens It’s finally here! Your summer break has started, and you can’t wait to load your friends into the car and head out to enjoy the sunshine and warm weather. At Waterloo Automotive, we say go for it! You’ve worked hard and you deserve a break. Just be safe in the meantime. Because we care about our customers, we encourage you to use wisdom when you’re behind the wheel and remember that there are other drivers out there counting on you to be responsible. Consumer Reports recently published a great list of driving tips for teenagers. Check out their top 10 below: Buckle up. Compared with other age groups, teens have the lowest rate of seat belt use, and the majority of teens involved in fatal crashes are unbelted. Put down the phone. Sixteen percent of all teen drivers involved in fatal crashes are distracted. Texting or talking on the phone combined with inexperience behind the wheel is a recipe for disaster. Plus, it ... read more