Posted on 5/31/2013
Thinking about buying a new car? There are a lot of things to consider. Hearing a salesperson’s spiel about features and pricing can quickly become overwhelming. Take a moment to consider the pros, cons and tips listed below. Adequate preparation could help save you a lot of time and hassle when decide you’re finally ready to buy. Pros You will probably have far less maintenance and upkeep issues with a new vehicle as opposed to an old one. This will save you money in the long run, and you can be assured you’re receiving your car at its top quality. There are practically an unlimited number of features you can choose. Air conditioned seats? Sure. Top-of-the-line navigation system? No problem. If you can think of it, it’s probably available. That new car smell. Many people revel in the idea that their latest investment not only looks new, but it also smells new. A new car’s warranty is guaranteed to be untouched. Manufacturers ... read more
Posted on 5/27/2013
Buying a car is a big decision for anyone. Previously owned vehicles are an excellent option when you’re searching for a quality car on a budget. If you’re thinking about buying a used car, there are some things to consider. Why buy used? The most obvious reason is the price. Not only will you save money on the overall purchase of the car, but you’ll also save on insurance and registration fees. Cars that are only a year old are, on average, 20-30 percent cheaper than new cars. Factory warranties for used cars are oftentimes still available Used cars have become increasingly reliable over the years. Rust and exhaust-system problems are not longer as common as they used to be. Many companies such as Enterprise and Hertz have rental car sales lots that offer a great selection of vehicles that solely have been used as rentals. These cars are typically in excellent condition and have fewer mi ... read more
Posted on 5/24/2013

In honor of National Bike Month, people across the country are riding bikes to work and school and celebrating the benefits of bike riding in our communities. It is also a great time to address the safety issues that arise with bike riding. Do you know the rules of the road? Since the weather is getting nicer and more cyclists are on the road, now is the time to review the rules. Here are some basic guidelines for sharing the road with cyclists. Keep everyone safe by being aware of these tips. Be aware:
Be on the lookout for cyclists. When passing through intersections and when in traffic, scan for any cyclists. Give them room when you spot obstacles such as potholes or debris. Also, never honk your horn when you are close to a cyclist. This may alarm him or her and cause an accident. Pass carefully:
to leave room between your car and the bike. Check over your shoulder before returning to the lane and always be patient ... read more
Posted on 5/20/2013

You’ve hopped out of the pool, dried off and enjoyed a perfectly chilled drink. It’s been a delightful summer day. Now, to drive home. You head to the car and are welcomed by a blazing door handle and a seat that scorches your bare legs. We’ve all been there. The heat is not only uncomfortable, but it is also damaging to your car. On a 90 degree day, the temperature in a car parked outside can reach up to 140 degrees. The windows turn the car into a sort of greenhouse, trapping heat. Temperatures that high are not good for many things, so I know that your car’s interior will not benefit from soaring heat this summer. Preventing prolonged heat exposure will help you keep your car in good condition. You can make some simple changes to keep your car cool and keep you and your family comfortable all summer. Make some shade
The accordion folded, aluminum foil-like sun shades may not be the most convenient devices ever, but they do a great job. Use ... read more
Posted on 5/6/2013

Distracted driving is an issue of national concern. New guidelines released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) last week recommend changes for auto manufacturers. This national safety administration is tightening up their suggestions, reminding automakers and drivers of the importance of focused driving. The NHTSA completed a study to analyze the visual and manual distractions involved when driving. The study found that when drivers engage in visual-manual tasks connected to handheld cell phones and portable devices, the risk of being involved in a crash is tripled. Some of the most distracting tasks that drivers try to complete while on the road include: making a phone call, browsing the Internet and text messaging. Just one text message can keep a driver distracted for 23.3 seconds. These statistics are alarming. Since distracted driving is so dangerous, the NHTSA made sev ... read more