Car maintenance tasks are important throughout the year, and summer is no exception. After all, it’s the season for road trips. Even if you’re not taking a summer vacation in your vehicle, car maintenance still matters. That’s because summer heat can do a number on your car.
Summer Car Maintenance in Waterloo and St. Louis
Start with car maintenance before summer hits. You want to be certain that your air conditioning system won’t fail when you need it most, so part of your car maintenance routine should be checking the level of refrigerant. The AC system in most modern cars is pretty complex, so it’s probably best to have a professional check it out and give it a tune up.
Another car maintenance tip for summer is to check on the health of your battery. The hot days can cause an accelerated chemical reaction in your car’s battery, and this can shorten the length of its life. Keep things running smoothly by cleaning the terminals with a paste made from water and baking soda.
While the AC keeps you cool, your car’s cooling system keeps the engine cool. It’s a complicated system of antifreeze, pumps, fans and other components that all work together to keep your car from blowing its top on hot days. Lots of things can go haywire, from a radiator leak to a cracked hose, so get the cooling system checked out by a pro as part of your car maintenance.
A further car maintenance tip that will keep your car on the road is a tire inspection. Fluctuating temperatures can cause tire pressure to fluctuate, and that can signal danger. Keep tabs on tire pressure by using a hand pressure gauge. Also, make sure that your tires have adequate tread. Replace them now, if necessary, before the heat of summer arrives.
Performing some routine car maintenance will keep your summer adventures on a roll this year. Get started now so you can make the most out of the season.
St. Louis Auto Service
Waterloo Service is committed to providing car maintenance information for all our customers in the Waterloo metro area.
We provide a wide variety auto services and more! Whether your engine light is on or your brakes are squeaking, we’ve got you covered.